How to Convert Foot-Pounds (ft/lbs) to Newton-Meters (Nm)

How to Convert Foot-Pounds (ft/lbs) to Newton-Meters (Nm)

One foot pound is the work done by a force of one pound acting through a distance of one foot, in the direction of the force. How to Convert Foot-Pounds...
How to Convert a Newton-Meter (Nm) to Foot-Pounds (ft/lbs)

How to Convert a Newton-Meter (Nm) to Foot-Pounds (ft/lbs)

Newton-meters (Nm) and foot-pounds (ft/lbs) are the metric and imperial measures for torque, which measures the way in which a force turns an object around an axis. One foot-pound (ft/lb)...

How to convert inch-lbs to foot-lbs on a torque wrench

Here is a quick and easy way to convert torque measurements when you are dealing with inch-lbs and foot-lbs. It’s a simple solution but one that can prove to be...
11 ottobre 2018 — Keith Crosbie